You Just Never Know

...what you might find at a local Farmer's Market. This very handsome caterpillar was hanging out on a plant for sale. All I had with me was my iPhone, so the vender was kind enough to hold onto Tara's leash whilst I snapped a couple of. It was a 'crowd' training session for her, lots of kids, food, and other dogs. She actually does very well during these 'lessons'. She particularly enjoys licking babies! Oh my!...Can't hold her licker!

But I digress, so...Here's the problem: I haven't been able to identify this almost 4 inch long caterpillar. Closest I can come is the Spicebush Swallowtail. But it doesn't look exactly like the many charts, books, and websites I've been searching. I would appreciate any help in identifying this beauty! North Central Florida.

I realized, when I got home, that I should have purchased the plant with it on. With all of the attention it was getting, the man probably wouldn't have sold it to me anyway.

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