Gold at the End of the Rainbow
Somehow it seemed appropriate that the rainbow ended at the sunlit golden willow. This was before the wind picked up. The Met. Service warned of gusts up to 150kph which I disregarded. Things are never as bad as they predict. But when I was staggering about trying to remain upright in what should have been the shelter of the shed I BELIEVED!
The air was full of dust. Even when relatively clear there were clouds of soil streaming overhead.
The noise was thunderous. Trees roared and hissed so loudly I couldn’t hear the engines of passing trucks. I leaned my back against the great trunk of the biggest Douglas fir tree. It was solid as concrete. Then a sudden jerk sideways, followed by gentle rocking as the branches above heaved and thrashed. It was very exciting.
I saw the mountains briefly this morning. The Torlesse Range had hardly any snow left after four days and nights of warm nor’westers. Back to winter tomorrow.
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