All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Hit me with it!

We're cramming these last few weeks before school starts, full of playdates. And we're loving it!

Our destination today was Linlithgow, to visit my ex University flatmate Jane and her 2 sons. We went to Playbugs softplay for a few hours and had lunch there, before going back to her house for a wee bit.

I then had to tank it back home to pick up Ethan's football stuff, then up the road to the sports centre. Ethan had fallen asleep in the car so I had to wake him up, but he was soon running around in the class, full of beans!

Of course he had to go into soft play after the class, with his wee pals, where he kept encouraging Lucinda to try to knock him over, as you can see in this picture!

Home for dinner, then off to Whitburn for my monthly eyebrow wax. Then a late weekly shop at Sainsburys before finally getting home again just as hubbie and Granny / Grandpa were getting ready to retire for the night!

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