All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

A day in Town

Well it was another jam packed day for Ethan and I today!

First stop was the 42s house to pick up Mrs42 and Miss42. They weren't quite ready, so the kids played together for a while, then we drove to Edinburgh. After leaving the car at the park and ride, we got the tram into the city centre. There was a family fun day taking place at the Grassmarket, with lots of water activities, a big sandpit, potions table etc etc. Ethan and Miss42 spent ages in the sandpit.

We then walked up to Edinburgh Castle for a wander round there. Ethan's favourite part was the prison / dungeon (if you don't count the shop of course)!

We lost track of time and by the time we got the tram back to the park and ride, it was 6pm. So we decided to go out for a meal. It was nice, but service a bit slow, by the time the bill came it was 9pm!

Thank goodness it's not a "school day" tomorrow! (Can't believe in only a few weeks time we really will be having school days)!

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