
By foxfollower

Tea with Friends

Met Margaret yesterday at our Meeting House, with her two F/friends Kay and Russ who've come over for Britain Yearly Meeting Gathering in Bath. Margaret is on the Equipping for Ministry course with me; she, Kay and Russ belong to the New Association of Friends, which is composed of fifteen congregations which jointly left Indiana Yearly Meeting in 2013.

One or two members from our Meeting came along as well - good chat, cup of tea, some blackberry muffins. Keith, one of our Elders, kindly took the photo for us, and also gave Margaret, Kay and Russ copies of a book setting out the history of Quakers in High Wycombe. Margaret, Kay, Russ and me went out for a Thai meal afterwards - nice evening, with lots of laughter.
From L to R: Gina, Jen, me, Margaret, Russ and Kay.

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