the proverbial pink ball...
...has been found
by mollie
an unlikely outcome - when it originally went missing after a move - some 2 years ago - and the wonderful princess gracie - put out a plea - in the form of a diva prayer - hoping it would be answered
although we looked - high and low - i only managed to find an imposter - in the form of a yellow ball - not exactly the same thing - and i could tell the diva was disappointed - even though for years - she played with the yellow - yet the pink was always her favorite
so imagine my delight - when the little imp mollie - came trotting out - with the pink ball - in her mouth - i couldn't believe it! who knows where it's been hiding these last 2 years - or why the princess diva never found it - but here it is - and mollie has now made it her own - i've no doubt - gracie would be very pleased - to hand the mantle over - knowing it's in good paws - will be well taken care of - enjoyed to the fullest - it's another one of those mysteries - like disappearing socks - but i don't need to understand - i guess it was meant to be - it was waiting for mollie - so she could experience fullness of life - in this new house of hers - and together - we will have many...
happy day.....
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