bucks life

By bucksmiss

Harvest Home

Everywhere I go at the moment I see fields and fields of golden corn, dusty combines, corn rows and straw bales. It is most definitely harvest time and this year looks to be a good year with the great weather we've had. Wonderful.

Rather less prosaically, this time of year always reminds me that I very specifically chose the colour of ripe corn as the colour of the carpets that run throughout my house. It takes me back to childhood somehow. To children's birthday parties where we all piled onto the back of a tractor trailer and Basil the farmer drove us down through the neighbouring village to a hay field by the Grand Union canal for a huge picnic and games in the blazing sun. Ah, them's the days....

I had time to contemplate the corn fields today as I got work out of the way by one, changed and went straight to do 30 lengths in Market Harborough pool. It was hot and sweaty in the pool. Yuk. But when I emerged it was 26C with a lovely cooling breeze. Accompanied by Heartfm and some great music, I moved on and enjoyed half an hour lying on my back between two corn fields (blipped) lazing and watching the butterflies, the sky and the birds. Such a privilege. I am a truly lucky lady.

I had a good session with the head shrink then drove to PPP+H for tea. I haven't seen them for ages and it was so nice to catch up. P+P have just come back from Venice to celebrate their 40th birthdays. Lucky them. Bilbo was sporting a rather uncomfortable looking cone collar because of a knee injury but seemed on goodish form. When I got home L was in an argumentative mood so I watched telly while he went to bed!

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