
By Croft16

Bird on a wire..

..birds are not my strong point. Especially these small browny - greeny things. I thought female chaffinch, but no. I thought greenfinch, but no.. It's so difficult. Most guides show the adult male in full breeding plumage, a few will show the female, but juveniles as well?..

This bird is a ............................. (please fill in the blank)

It's been grey again, with sheets of misty rain blowing down to the village, but occasional bright spells. You can see drops of water on the wire. Harvested the last of the sugar snaps (for now), another 3.5 kgs, topped and tailed. Now have 30 kg of them in the freezer. Peas all winter..

Bottled some beer. It may seem that this is one of our very regular jobs. Each brew lasts for about 3 weeks, and we tend to do a batch of brews, and then when we're running down, do another batch. Well there's another one on the go already, and by the time that's bottled, we'll have enough empties for a final brew. Should then have around 130 pints in stock. They do improve as they age..

Been waiting for a call from the hotel with an order, but had to ring them in the end. Turns out they didn't need any veg today. Then spent an hour or so browsing through the flower section of the seed catalogue, researching things to grow for next year..


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