The Sculpture Garden
This temporary installation in the Sculpture Garden called "Mirage - Tom III" by Claude Cormier is on the Avenue du Musee on the north side of Sherbrooke beside the Montreal Fine Arts Museum.
For each of the last three years Cormier has created a mosaic using colourful street markers that transforms the road into a pedestrian avenue. This view is downhill towards Sherbrooke. The uphill view uses blues and greens. The work was inspired by Faberge Eggs, which are being exhibited at the Museum from June 14th to October 5th this year.
There are almost two dozen sculptures in the Garden including works by Rodin and Moore. I loved the life size bronze cow by Joe Fafard of Saskatchewan.
We looked at houses in this neighbourhood today and although they were more promising that the ones we looked at yesterday, the only one that was even a possibility required a complete top to bottom renovation. So, no luck yet...
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