Swear I'm gonna find you...

Okay - you know those funny posts which appear on that Social Media site...

"Pinterest Fails". "Baking Fails". "Craft Fails".

That was the kind of day I was having.

Pretty Birthday Board -with little hanging buttons for individual birthdays; I wrote the names on the wrong way round, I hooked them on back to front.

Taking trousers up. This was the third attempt. First two pairs of trousers, my new Dad calls them his "Special" trousers". Slightly short on the leg. Second attempt. They were tripping him. This time fingers crossed, after breaking a needle on them, and running and changing thread half way through; they will be okay.

In front of you. Jelly Shots. Three batches so far. First batch... wouldn't come out the tray.... I'mpleasantlyplished. Second Batch... setting slighty slacker... Third batch - we've tried inside Ice cube bags... that should be interesting.

Cake. Hmmm.

I had to cut two pyramids off each cake. I used THREE packets of fingers to shore up the sides. Who knew that Aero Bubbles have brown and white sides???



Oooood Ave em?

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