The 1635

4years 281days


We were up very early, but that was fine- it gave us chance to be ready for the showing of the piece about her dance school. Very disappointingly for Katiemoo, they didn't use ANY of the footage of the little ones, but it was lovely to see the piece. After, I made her a skirt for school (ruffled bottom, very Cute!). It was then time for weekly book club, with our friends. She was a big shy about talking about her book again., but enjoyed the session and we came home with another batch of library books.

We then all headed out for lunch. Katie and Lyd shared a kids meal, which would have otherwise been huge! We played in the cafe a while, doing sheets from book club, while Aunty Emma did some shopping.

We said goodbye to them before Katie & I walked to her swimming lesson. Today's was a really productive lesson. She is getting so much from this smaller class size and the dailyness of it. She's made massive progress on her breaststroke legs just in this lesson alone. At the end of the class, Katie said to me with a grin "do you know how much I enjoyed that, mummy? So so so so so so much!"

After swimming, Aunty Emma picked us up again and we headed off for an exciting afternoon at the races. The children had a glorious time. They went on rides, swings, pony rides. They had a tractor ride. The tractor ride took us down to the start of the race. We got to watch how they get the horses into the starting traps (including a couple of extremely impressive demonstrations, thanks to a couple of stubborn horses) and then got quickly round the other side to watch the start from right up close. The children had a fantastic time picking horses to cheer, eating strawberries and scones and playing in the sun.

Another unplanned day that turned out to be glorious!!

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