My Time Abroad

By jrgoode

Oh Look at the Ducks!

Lucky for me my Friday morning 9 am class isn't every Friday. It's just a screening class and we're only doing 6 movies throughout the semester. We were out pretty late last night and I was able to sleep in.

Feeling extremely lazy and unproductive I made Blythe come on a walk with me and we found a random trail nearby that led to this pond shown above and there were a lot of ducks there. I want to go back and feed them bread

Aman cooked a fancy pasta tonight.

We laid low for our city trip to take place tomorrow night. Me and Blythe made the dangerous decision of starting Lost on netflix and now we're pretty hooked. I enjoy it, yet hate it at the same time. I can't believe how many episodes there are and I can't imagine what could possibly happen in all that time. I will probably call it quits at some point, we'll see. Oceanic Flight 815 was flying from Sydney to Los Angeles and went off course after their radio lost connection to land in Fiji to which they then crashed onto the mysterious island that is Lost < I'm pretty close to the location of all that fictional stuff!

I'm starting to realize days like today are a little pointless to document

But i'm having fun with my blog
Thx for following <3

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