Clearing out

My annual boot sale outing with Mrs Sinclair at the big throbbing melting pot of culture and unusual attire that is the one and only Thainstone Sunday market. After a doubtful start - torrential rain all night through to the moment we arrived at 7 am - the summer sun hit the sky, blew the clouds away and settled in a sea of endless blue for the rest of the day. Down at ground level the sights of Thainstone aren't generally thought of as being so heavenly but we had our usual bizarre encounters, and lovely exchanges with new faces and old and the best clear out I've had in ages. I now have my kitchen back (having been the temporary home for the boot sale bumf for months) and made £160 which I've now spent on sweets, all in 1 shop. That last bit is a lie. Maybe.

Come the afternoon and I avoided tidying up the deranged mess that is my house by demanding in a toddler like strop that we all go to Newburgh beach for some sand, sea, breezy winds and seals. It was lovely, such a beautiful light, but the seals played second fiddle to the other creatures as the tide was out and the estuary under our feet and all around us was just alive with life. The most amount of tiny baby crabs I've seen in my life, sand eels, shrimps, fish, it was teeming with activity. And birds galore, from gobbling gulls to squabbling terns to soaring ospreys to a guillemot stretching his wings out for what seemed like ages. Oh yes, and of course the seals, who were gathered in big numbers I'm glad to say, and calling on the wind with what sounded like rallying calls of 'C'mon!, C'mon!'.

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