Bright with a breeze.

Or so it said on the board on the Living the Dream cake and coffee stop way out at Stoer Lighthouse. We had cake and hot drinks, obviously, Dave had a haggis roll thingy. But only after we actually pulled our finger out this year and made the walk up and over the top of the cliffs to see the Old Man of Stoer sea stack. Squelchy bogs all the way, with fleeting glimpses of a dry path. Oodles of sea to keep an eye out for whales, but best keep an eye on the path most of the way, it's a bit high up, cliff side and windy, while dodging the low flights of the artic skuas, who think they are just as Airchie as sea eagles.

So many nationalities and eccentric personalities (other than our own, more than our own, hard to believe really) on that walk and round the lighthouse looking for whales. Including two lovely ladies that told us about a stoat that was brazenly weaving around them and their dogs, too busy with his own business to care about them. We did head up to see if we could catch the wee scamp but he was off acting casual somewhere else.

Orcas were sighted on Saturday night (sigh), but today they were playing hide and seek with the stoat - at the same time - and they were very skilled at it.

Nae midges! Yas! And still plenty Yes signs! Yas! And no wifi unless we are at home, kids (and me) all the better for that.

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