All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Fort George

We had another busy day planned today.

In the morning, we drove north and took Ethan to Fort George. It was interesting, but not as much as the ruined castles we've tended to visit when using our Historic Scotland membership so far. Ethan spent a lot of time charging around with his sword and it even looked like he was going to try to engage some of the real soldiers there in battle too!

After lunch there, we drove to Forres to visit hubbies friend John, at his farm. He took Ethan out for a long drive round the fields in his tractor, which was a big hit with Ethan! A charge around the adventure playground at Brodie Castle followed, before dinner in a local pub. A quick trip up in the hills to look out at the view over Forres and beyond, before dropping John back home and heading back to Cullen. Yet another late night for Ethan!

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