All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Loom Bands on the Beach!

Ethan was so excited when we woke up in Cullen this morning. As it was a bit of a late night for him last night, I thought he might have a lie-in this morning - no chance!

We walked up to the shops where we bought a toy boat, loom bands and ice-cream! Then off to the beach. It's only a minutes walk from the cottage and is absolutely gorgeous. It was a really hot day today so we spent all morning there, with lots of chasing around with water pistols, playing in the sand and trying to figure out how to do the loom bands!

After lunch, we drove to Huntly Castle. It was quite deceptive - much more to explore than it looked like from the outside. Ethan was particularly pleased to find a playpark beside it and 2 older boys who were happy to do pretend fighting with him with their swords. One of them was trying to teach him proper defence moves which was funny to watch!

Back at the cottage, the next door neighbour told us there was a travelling fair in the next village. So we went along there and told Ethan he could choose 2 things to go on. He managed to wrangle 3 in the end though!

Another late bedtime for him this evening but a very fun and busy day so he should sleep well tonight.

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