
A morning at home, and an earlier Blip from me than usual.
Yesterday's quiche served as a brunch for the Starlings. Even seems to be worth squabbling over!! Hard to believe that these birds are now endangered - protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 according to the RSPB "Some of Britain's commonest birds are now on the "red list" of species whose numbers are crashing so rapidly that scientists fear for their future. Starlings and house sparrows, once so common, have dropped in number by more than half in 25 years. They join yellowhammers, ring ouzels, lesser spotted woodpeckers, willow tits, marsh tits, grasshopper warblers and savi's warblers, on the list of species whose future gives cause for concern." Paul Brown, The Guardian 2002 Update later on Dad, a keen RSPB supporter, once I get back from the Hospice.

Update: Finally home @ 10pm:
Dad was confused and lucid, distressed and calm, in pain and at peace. We both cried.

Ale in England #28 "Old Tom" Original (Robinsons) Alc. 8.5% Vol

"Named after Robinsons' brewery cat, Old Tom is almost as old as the brewery itself. It is recognised, both nationally and internationally, as one of the most famous strong ales, winning some of the industry’s most prestigious awards including World’s Best Ale." Old Tom (here)

Note the potency - no wonder it is sold in 330ml rather than 500ml bottles - I reckon a daily dose of this would not only keep the doctor away, but the chap with the scythe too! Very potent strong brown stuff as smooth as velvet - a bit like drinking liquorice - this dark and moody brew is advertised on Robinsons' website as a 'winter' beer - roll on November, is what I say! (Public Warning - do not even look at the bottle if you intend driving)

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