
By MerrilHope

Day Twenty One: Sapli Island

Gaby and I left early this morning to visit Sapli Island, just outside Akbuk. Gaby was in search of a geocache treasure hidden there and we wanted to walk about before the day got too hot.  While she was foraging amongst the olive trees, (unfortunately, unsuccessfully this time), I walked the entire circumference of the whole island which consists of scrub, stones and olive trees with a handful of goats and cows and a couple of fisherman trying their luck in the shallow waters.  The views were impressive, the usual mountains and oh-so-blue of the Aegean. The island is arrived at by wading through the shallow waters along the rocky causeway from the main beach, which can be seen in my aerial view (24thJuly).  So much exercise so early on a Sunday morning of course required sustainenance in the form of a yummy Turkish breakfast afterwards in the PizzaHatti restaurant on the far side of Akbuk, next to the beach shown before.

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