
By H0lly


So the bike situation in Amsterdam is pretty intense. This is one of the main square and during the day it is completely covered in bikes. As are the bridges and pretty much any other area where bikes could possibly fit. They are EVERYWHERE. Apparently 38% of all journey's are made on bicycles, that's pretty cool if you ask me.

Today was a bit rainy, but we headed out anyway and journeyed to the flower market, where we marvelled at all the different shades of tulips and other cool types of flowers. Unfortunately at this point it was raining heavily, so I couldn't really get a good shot of the flowers. We escaped the rain by going form one specialty cheese store to another, trying all their samples which were absolutely delicious. The dutch make damn fine cheese.

After an interesting trip to The Museum of Prostitution, our night consisted of staying in, watching some trashy TV and making our own fun, which was good because I think we all needed an early night after partying for a couple of days.

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