More than a Fuchia..

..a slow start after last nights do. NO, I did not drink too much, just stayed up late in a ridiculous facebook conversation that went to over 500 posts in an hour and a half.. It all started with someone looking for a B&B in Dundee..

Tanni's had a bit of an upset tummy, a bit loose so to speak, which involves washing her off after she's done her business. She's been like it for a couple of days now, barking during the night so I can let her out, and this occurred at 5 and 6:30 this morning.. She's OK in herself, eating normally, and wanting the ball thrown, but sleeping a bit more than usual perhaps. Would like to blame it on the heat last week. The dog washing machine is working well.. Will talk to the vet if she's not better tomorrow..

Was grey to start, but brightened up later..


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