Sleepy bunnies

Poor Charlotte was attacked by night terrors last night. Instinctively I recognised the howl and knew what was going on. Took an hour for her to settle into a peaceful sleep but once settled she was ok. The last time she had them was connected to a growth spurt, wonder if this will be the same?

Anyhow, she slept till 7:30 which was good, I'd love to say I woke rested and revived but that would be a lie. Feeling rough around 3am I asked Lee to feed William, his response - Im asleep didn't particularly amuse me.

Daddy went shooting, we played, watched people swimming and tried for a sleep. Gave up. Friends came over to play, but don't think the mum was particularly impressed by her two children playing in the paddling pool and getting soaked when she had told them feet only! (I had texted to say we would be in the garden and the pool was up!)



More playing outside. I tried to have a sleep in the garden but wasn't permitted by a certain young lady who kept shouting mummy get up at me

Couldn't resist this selfie that Charlotte took.

Wom has smiled do much today and really enjoyed being able to grab things. Haven't told him yet that he has his second lot of injections tomorrow.......Calpol primed already!

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