Steamy day

Last night we decided to take the children to the Welland Steam Rally today. A decision we both enjoyed.

Charlotte loved all the tractors, diggers, bikes especially the ones that were just ambling about and people waving from them. The buggy board was a huge success and once Mothercare finally sort out what on earth has gone on with the order and compensate me as promised, it will be even better.

There was a traditional fairground at the steam rally, Charlotte was a tad scared at first but with some persuasion she and daddy rode on the train together, she then impressed us both by going on the cars (pictured) on her own. As soon as it started the thumb went into her mouth and she looked at the lady who was controlling it, only stopping sucking and watching when the ride finished. She went on the carousel with daddy and also the flying pigs ride too.

Home, fast asleep in the car. Sleep.

Grandfather and Sandra came over this pm. Lots of fun in the paddling pool, lots of giggles and cuddles and playing.

Went to the pub tonight with friends from along the road, lovely to just chat and chill and know Charlotte was happy to play and climb.

William is 12 weeks old today.
He can push himself up using his legs when supported.
He can make it very clear when he wants milk / has had enough milk
He can kick his legs against the bednest to wake me up in the night (much better than crying and waking Charlotte)
He can grab toys from the activity mat of excitement and loves Captain Calamari
He can sleep for up to six hours in a go which is really lush at night.
He's just simply our Wom and we all love him to pieces x

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