Man inspects pumpkin

We both woke up ridiculously early, probably due to the light (not complaining, mind) so went up to the allotment and did some digging. Had to stop when the haar burned off and it started to get too hot. Then nipped home to shower ourselves prior to D going off to Dunfermline for the first competitive match of the season and me to the Free Gaza demo on the Mound and then an afternoon of blether and delicious food chez Shandonner and bignonsense. Cabot was looking particularly well groomed, I thought!

If only Mr H had known that the match would be abandoned due to a tropical rainstorm flooding the pitch, he could have joined us.

The photo shows him earlier in the day burrowing into the foliage of the pumpkin he planted in the compost heap. It seems to be doing quite well, at least in terms of acreage covered. ;-)

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