Strange creature

After a morning listening to presentations I was able to get away at lunchtime and made it to Nottingham station which still has one train per hour running out of it this week (next week there'll be nothing). There are lots of replacement bus services. :-( As I crossed the footbridge towards the one remaining platform I saw this strange creature in the distance - this is highly cropped and I failed to get a better shot. It was walking very slowly in those big rubbery shoes and was doubtless very hot under the head-piece. I saw it a bit later on the platform discreetly remove its head so that it could visit the gents (as there was a young gentleman underneath). He did look exceedingly hot.

It all went fine as far as Grantham when the first of the series of trains that was supposed to come in and whisk me to Doncaster-York-Edinburgh was suddenly delayed hour and a half. Apparently a train had "failed" just north of Grantham station, and north-bound trains were stacking up from just south of Grantham right back to Peterborough in a huge tailback. Had to wait for an engine to come down from Doncaster and haul the dead one out of the way. There were a lot of very hot and tired people on Grantham station; one can only hope that the air conditioning kept going for the folk stuck on the trains. Of course, the timetable was completely ahoo after that, so I eventually got on something at Doncaster that got me back to Edinburgh hour and a half late. Mr H kindly met me, but I'm afraid I was far too hot, smelly, tired and grumpy to attend Darren's nearby birthday party.

It's so good to be home!

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