The thin blue line ...

I had my regular Friday blip meet with Beewriter and today saw us back in Manchester City Centre. It was scorching hot (again) and even taking a few photographs was a bit of an effort.

On King Street we came a cross a small Palestinian /Israeli demonstration which was taking part peacefully enough. I don't pretend to know anything of the politics behind all of this.

I chose this picture as my blip because this policeman was having a friendly chat with these two boys. It was only when I looked closer that I realised one of the boys is wearing a football styled Yarmulke.
Politics, Religion and Football: there's no escaping them.

We were joined later in the day by my old school friend, Dorothy, who shared a jug of
Pimms with us.

After Bee left, Dorothy and I headed back towards Piccadilly Gardens, intending to make our way home but we made the mistake of stopping off in Chinatown to have a look at the newly refurbished Chinese Arch.
I am afraid the lure of the food was too great to resist ...

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