Life with K.C.


So this is an iPhone

Today I managed to get it out of the box. I downloaded blipfoto for it and Facebook. It's funny I was thinking last night I need to spend less time faffing on the computer. I'm not sure this is going to help my addiction really....

If anyone is on T-mobile and thinks you can't get an iPhone you can. As long as you're due an upgrade they will put you through to ChitterChatter and they will send you an unlocked one on contract. I upgraded for the 3GS (whatever that means).

Now what applications do I need?

Sending love & prayers to Reuben. I 'met' Reuben's Mummy many years ago on a messageboard & followed her journey to motherhood. I followed Reuben's Blog seeing his precious little toes and smiling face. I chanced upon her journal here & felt like i'd found a lost friend. Reuben is very ill at the moment.

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