A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Early bird

You might need to zoom in on the clock to see quite the level of my (in)sanity this morning. While you're there you may see the figure in red laying out exercise equipment. Whilst I am still in full post exercise endorphin laden mode I shall write a reminder to my future self that I can do it and it is fun and it is worth it. Hopefully a feeling that will last through the day.

Of course, that lovely sunshine probably helped. Can't promise to post one of these on a cold and rainy November morning...

Home to kids in pjs, curtains closed and cartoons on the telly. The perfect summer holiday start.

Last day of work for me can now be an uninterrupted, mad dash to the finish line.

Which will be marked by a trip to a new (to us) cinema which promises at seat service of both food and drink by ninja style waiters clad in black, serving food on black plates and putting them on special soundproof tables to prevent annoying any of the other 49 people in the small screen. Probably a good thing as we are seeing Chef which sounds like just the sort of film to make you want to eat. I am really quite excited.

Lesley x

Ps - go on future self - set your alarm and go to fitness camp - it's significantly better than you are currently thinking.

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