...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Miles and I had a date today while dad and Nana worked on painting the house. We rode the Max train to the zoo since we hadn’t been there in awhile. Miles was most excited to check out the elephants and get an update on baby Lilly. When I said it was time to go and check out the rest of then animals he told me, “But I miss the efalants” After visiting the lions, hippos and giraffes we spent a lot of time watching the Sea lion. Miles also got to enjoy his very first Elephant Ear…of course because mama & the babies wanted one. Miles was pretty excited to be at the zoo and kept running ahead of me. When I told him mama can’t keep up with him and that he needed to stop running from me he said, “But I’m skipping away so that’s ok!”

After a lunch on the patio and nap Miles helped Nana measure the closet organizer that will go in the Twins room. He is so into construction these days and all things related to his tools and workbench.

I love this picture because it looks like the Sea Lion is about to give Miles a kiss.

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