Newcastle life

By Puffling

Pottery mad

Quiz- can you spot MY mug in this pic?

As the contract ended on my rented flat but the sale of my house hasn't been finalised yet, I am currently homeless! Have been staying at friends houses temporarily and living out of a suitcase- which isn't ideal but hopefully not going to last too much longer. I am currently at my friend Andrews place, whilst he's away travelling. He and his flatmate are crazy about pottery. Their house is filled with pottery in various stages of completion and pottery books. They've even given me a leaflet of pottery classes that I could go to- they are so passionate about it! Although 99% of my belongings are in storage, I brought along my favourite mug. I just opened the kitchen cupboard and noticed how it really stands out against all of their beautiful homemade mugs! Maybe they'll make me a mug or perhaps they'll convert me to pottery and teach me to make one myself.

Ps- if you didn't spot it, it's the Russian doll mug on the bottom shelf- the only shop bought mug in the whole cupboard, the rest have all been made by my friend and flatmate. Talented lads.

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