FAMILY ALBUM" - was how the song went. And this is one for me to keep if I ever sell the house and move away.

This scene is right next to our house, the cricket green, lovingly being tended by 'Taffy'. He devotes every day to the grass, rolling it etc. and now they have professional covers. It is a beautiful place to play cricket and to watch is even more delightful with the hills as a backdrop.

Phoebe and I went for a walk after 16.30 when it was a little cooler. We saw oodles of butterflies, mainly Gatekeeper and Small Tortoiseshell. I did see one Red Admiral and nearly blipped a dragonfly, but it was too quick.

Phoebes has been very good today whilst I was at work so I rewarded her with a juicy lamb bone. Only trouble was she tried to bury it in the garden. I only realised when I discovered her dark muddy nose and because the ground was too hard, I eventually found it hiding behind the cushions on the white sofa in the conservatory:( You can imagine I wasn't too impressed.

Mr A survived his first day with several meetings and soon discovered who would give him the most trouble!!

The other Estate Agent calling in tomorrow. Just hope he doesnt expect us to drop the price any lower!

Hope your Monday has been good for you all and I look forward to reading what you have been up to. Sending hugs to one and all.

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