Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

New Shoes

J took her and Linda's Mum to the Wedgewood museum for a look around afternoon tea. This left me on my own. Spent most of the morning getting a few things ready for tomorrow, watching the golf and waiting for the rain to stop. Needed to go to Sutton Park to register for the Triathlon tomorrow. Easier to do it the day before and I wanted to take the bike out for a trial. In the end I gave up waiting and went out in the drizzle. Had a good ride out getting used to the new shoes and bike. Didn't have any incidences and managed to register as well.

Came to J's parents to change before heading into town to meet up with RH for a couple of drinks. He kindly gave me a lift back to Linda's house to meet back up with J.
The V's came over and we had tea before heading back.
These are my new Tri bike shoes, a bit dirty and damp after the ride this morning. Hopefully they will prove a bit easier to get into tomorrow than Dad's old ones.

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