Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Pod of Triathletes

Early start today as I was competing in the Birmingham Sprint Triathlon. Race started at 10.30 for me but there were already people in the water when I got there. Not sure what the collective term for a bunch of MAMIL's (Middle Aged Men In Lycra) is, but we all entered the water for the 750m swim, followed by a 20K bike ride around the park, which was relatively flat but with some rough patches of gravel on some of the corners that got your attention.
The final run section was hard work. The two laps of the 2.5K route was mainly up hill for the first 1K with a few other up and down bits. It was hot as well 25°+.
Finished in 1:27:48 according to my watch. Happy with that but the run section was a couple of minutes over my normal time due to the heat.
Headed back to J's parents for some lunch with my parents before starting the long journey home.
Back in time to catch up with the GP before going to bed.
The theme this week is water so this is the best I could do with everything else going on.

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