In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Unleash the archers

Busy weekend.
June's birthday was yesterday, so after a visit to one of our flats to sort a broken bed.
Then into Union Square for drinks and dinner at Las Iguana, with Stevaan, who has come home for the weekend, and then over to Cafe 52 for more drinks, except for me as I was designated driver.
Today we went up to New Pitsligo and had lunch at the Last Bus Cafe Worker's Canteen. I took some pictures there, but the quality wasn't good.

After that we came back down to New Deer, after picking up Arya, who is staying the night and tomorrow, to the New Deer Show, where we arrived, a vintage tractor parade was taking place.
We were there so Arya could pick up a prize for her school's primary one painting competition.

Home to a roast chicken dinner, which we ate outside due to the wonderful change in weather from rain to sun.
This is June doing some archery. She used to participate in this sport some years ago.
Our Sky was playing up, so I didn't get the whole of Monty Python live recorded. :-(

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