Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Village Life

These are the three highlights of my day...

A tent service (same tent as Produce show yesterday) which incorporated all the three local churches here - Albury, Chilworth & Shere. Very nice too with a good mixture of liturgy and old and new hymns.

Then G made a delicious Sunday lunch whilst I faffed about with more stuff for the Lodge/laundry.

The Albury Music Festival took place from 2-8. We got there around 6 to check it out. It is SO different to anything in Dubai. For starters, it was all FREE! Even the parking! Families brought their picnics, tents, drinks etc etc and just enjoyed being out with their families and friends. I can't vouch for any of the music I heard though - was hoping for something more er, cultured or less punk/brit-pop. [Sorry if I upset anyone!]

So glad for the cooler weather AND we didn't get any of the rain that was forecast! Woo hoo! London tomorrow...

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