Where Does the Beer Go?

Great opening gambit….OilMan says it works every time, and it certainly worked with this fellow! He immediately pointed out all the fine features of his extraordinary little craft--the swivel seat, the holders for eight fishing poles, the motorcycle batteries that power the cooler, the radio, and the trolling motor. Oh, and the cup beer can holders! One can be seen just in front of the first fishing pole holder. He was pretty proud and answered the flippant question in all seriousness.

Lots of action at Spring Lake this morning, despite the overcast. I especially liked the woman who had her dog out for a walk in the fresh air…in a stroller!I can't think why the man above would want dangle his legs in that lake OR eat anything he caught in it, but I didn't see any sign of a fish, either. (In spite of all the equipment, I don't think it has much to do with the fish.) It has been so long since the lake had an infusion of rainwater that we won't even let our dog go in it! It smells like our pool did before we took it out….

We're going back to the nursery today for some more plants for our fountain
landscaping, anticipating that Dana will not be able to resist coming over tomorrow to help plant everything. The family went to the A's game in Oakland today or I'm sure she'd be here now….The girl missed her calling. She has a beautiful garden herself, and has done more work in our garden than we have! She knows her plants and has a good eye for detail. And she can boss OilMan around with better results than I can! In my case it's called "nagging" which means it can be ignored.

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