Cadsden and Pulpit Wood

A very misty and murky start to the day, after updating Parish Council information on all the noticeboards around the village, Ted and I drove to Cadsden to have a wander through the woods, just below the Iron Age Fort that sits on Pulpit Hill and the Second World War Rifle Range. The ancient Ridgeway Path runs through here along with a myriad of footpaths, one of which lead to Chequers - we are spoilt for choice in and around the Chiltern Hills.

Matthew has been to the Clock fair today and come back with his usual 'bargains', one being a rather splendid Barograph (at least I think that's what it's called)

The day rounded off with an open air Songs of Praise service at the local Free Church with local silver band, the rain stayed away after reports of torrential rain falling locally and we even had a Lancaster(?) fly overhead! Village life at it's best :)

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