It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

No Badgers Died to Make This Blip

What a storm last night. The rain was still pounding on the skylight when I awoke. I put Any Questions on iplayer......always strange how it's found under 'factual' when the politicians use inexactitudes to support spuriously rhetorical pish! I was soon asleep again. Parkrun was an option for the morning but a wet 10km bike ride, including a steep hill, was required to get to the start line. Much as Libby's vanilla slices are the reward for doing so, the draw of mille-feuille with custard and sweet icing wasn't enough.

Rather, I had a weekend shave.....exfoliate, very hot water to open the pores, then a triple pass with a new blade! Luxury. As I sat drinking my latte, my housemate the mouse came to say hello. I was less polite and threw a flip flop at the wee sleekit timorous beastie, putting a panic in it's bloody breastie! I do want a Spanial but maybe a moggie would be better!

It was then run time and I headed up to Charlesworth, seeing a few broken trees that had been hit by lightening in the storm. Up I plodded, over Monks Road....over 3km of steepish ascent. The rain was lashing, not helped by a very strong Peak wind. The legs felt great though, my breathing was good for the first time in weeks and I was happy. It was then over towards Moorfield and down into Glossop and the deli.

What a welcome....."Andy....don't you dare drip on my produce".....and Sarah became my personal shopper to prevent me from doing so. " I smell like your cheese cabinet" I said and got a repulsed face in return. Sowerbutts for fruit n veg was next. In addition to my normal stuff, I got a small handful of girolles and 2 posh French apricots to munch on the train home! Yummy!

After a quick lunch, I headed into Manchester with a plan of dropping my bike off at Keep Pedalling for a wee repair and then to look at a compact camera as my big one isn't always practice to carry. I think I've decided on a Sony RX100....please comment if you have a view on this! Anyway, Shona and Rich had shut up shop for the weekend so I was stuck with my bike n no lock! Gahhh....only one thing for it....a trip to NTP for a coffee. I could live in that place....I feel at home as Wayne n Jayne give as good as they get when it comes to piss taking. I do, however, wonder why the Northern Quarter hipsters who frequent the place tend to look so miserable. Is is cool to be morose?

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