It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Self-portrait or Selfie?

The British Journal of Photography is a beautiful magazine filled with a mix of documentary work and conceptual 'art'. I had just finished reading a pseudo intellectual musing on a beautifully composed self-portrait....with a little bit breast showing. I then flicked to Facebook and saw numerous selfies!

As I was lacking a blip today, I thought.....self-portrait time. If I had used my ipad rather than a DSLR to take it, the image would have been a selfie. What does the picture say about me.....well yes, I am bald. Ok, I could scare Peter Cushing if I tried too. I'm more than capable of writing intellectual pish on how it represents the thin barrier between dark and light in the mind of the artist or such twaddle. Basically, it says I need my kip.

I had already ran this morning in sauna like conditions but still decided to have an easy one back to the train station at Guide Bridge. The dead rat on the canal path was still there, albeit festering with more flies! It was horrible. On arriving at the train station, staff were covering the gate......I wouldn't have minded but the ticket office requires an 8 minute round trip.....gahhhh. Train missed. I decided to run to the next station but took the wrong road! Next train missed too. I ran home, a trip of 18.5km, mainly uphill and in 25*C heat! My legs feel fine but I'm definitely sleepy.

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