I felt rather tired when I got up and decided that going for long walks wasn't going to be a good thing today, so I went down to Urban Reef, my favourite beachside restaurant and had a coffee. I was also rather "naughty" and had an amazing chocolate almond croissant, made by Kay, (my baker friend from the other morning) - but it took me about 2 hours to eat it because it was so rich, but it was delicious!

A man at the next table asked if I was on my own, and whether he could join me, so I agreed and we chatted about various things including letting our adult children go and finding their own way in life, which I think he is finding hard to do! Interesting to hear a father's side of things.

I read The Daily Telegraph and put one of my Post-It Notes on the front as I didn't think I would be venturing far and wondered whatever I could blip - Simon, the Manager at UR seemed a likely candidate, and although he let me take a pic of him, he did say he hated having his photograph taken - so join the club, Simon!

After my two hours or so there, I decided to open up the beach hut and this girl was playing beach volleyball, so another pic for my collage and then I saw these guys off with their board to have a surfing session.

So a very ordinary day at the beach really - sunny at times, very dark clouds, a calm sea, light winds but no rain as yet - perhaps we shall have another "middle of the night" thunderstorm to clear the air.

I read an article from a friend, which spoke about why we do certain things - for sometime I have been challenged as to why I do a blip every single day - it was very interesting, entitled "Love People not Pleasure" and you can read it here.

Instead of "loving things and using people", I hope that I "love people and use things" - I certainly hope my friends think I do, and I have met so many lovely people on blip so like to think I do the latter - I will be thinking more about this in the coming days and for the moment have decided to turn off the stars! That's a start anyway.

Jesus said:
“Let me give you a new command:
Love one another.
In the same way I loved you, you love one another.
This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples -
when they see the love you have for each other.”
John 13 : 34-35
The Message

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