
By Tommy0161

Sushi @Selfridges.

My relatively new iPhone developed a fault yesterday. By fault I mean there was a black screen and nothing else! Talking to various people in goodnessknowswhereistan last night got me nowhere and eventually a kind lady booked me in to see an expert (usually a fresh faced guy about 14) at the APPLE Store in the Trafford Centre.

The fresh faced guy turned out to be a personable young lad a bit older than 14 and with spectacular tattoos all along his arms and creeping up his neck and, presumably, everywhere in between. It would have been rude to ask but he would have made a great blip. He looked cool enough at the moment but I wonder what he'll look like when he's in his 80s?

He plugged my dead phone into his Mac Book, pressed a few things and proclaimed that my phone had had a 'catastrophic hardware failure,' a comment that dragged my attention away from his tattoos. My heart was sinking but then he said he would replace my old phone with a brand new one. 10 out of 10 for customer service from APPLE! He even set it up for me and I left with a working phone.

With my new phone, I then headed to the Nespresso Store to get some coffee capsules for our wonderful coffee machine. It's a classy store with a coffee shop at one end that dispenses free coffee! It's one of the Trafford Centre's secrets and if it got out all the Starbucks would have to close. I got talking about coffee to one of the other customers. A nice lady from North Dakota who was married to a guy from Cornwall but now living in Manchester. He had Australian connections and that reminded another person at the bar that she was off to Melbourne next week for her brother's wedding. This guy joined us and asked the barista about a certain coffee which I was actually sampling at that time. We chatted about the coffee and it all got very convivial and the barista made us more coffees.

I left and looked for somewhere to eat. I'd had no lunch but didn't want a lot as it was hot and we're out to dinner tonight. I wandered about The Orient but nothing appealed. I was in Selfridges and went past YO!Shushi. The food is light and tasty and I like to watch the little plates go round on the conveyor belt. Small things and small minds... I was quite happy to sit and be quiet and watch the food but then the waitress brought over the guy from the Nespresso Store to sit at the counter next to me. We compared coffees as guys do when they get together.....

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