My day

Before I describe my day I want to make it very clear that in comparison with many my life is idyllic. I frequently spend time with men and women who would swap places in a heartbeat and that's before looking outside the circle of people I meet or know. But with that I place I'm going to share with you the delights of my Thursday.

Up at 5 to get out on the road for a trip to the Suffolk coast.Two-and-a-half non-stop hours later I drew up and it was already very, very warm. I presented myself at the gate to be told that they had no record of my visit and that I wouldn't be allowed in. This happens more often than one might imagine so I took a seat and listened to the gate officer ring around the establishment to get a "straw-poll" on whether I'd be in or not. Security voted for me getting in as did a few other folk and then my contact arrived and it was agreed that I could stay. I had to walk in through the vehicle entrance - the very big gate - for a quick search and then walk out at the other end of the vehicle entrance - another very big gate.

We were running late so straight to the first meeting which should have been a group of students. One turned up because there had been a problem with the movement slips so I had a chat with him and we headed over to one of the wings. It's the first time I've been to this site but I knew three of the guys so we were able to have a chat. The nice thing about this is that it gives me some cred with the guys who don't know me; "If Bill says he's okay that's a good start with me".

Then lunchtime and I got my first coffee of the visit - I'd been running on empty since I got there. More visits to different wings in the afternoon and then into a hot car to head home. Another 200 minutes of slow and sunny driving to get home.

And all of this capped with what might be a summer cold or severe hay-fever or some other lurgi but I grabbed a packet of something which lists the symptoms on the front.

Time for me bed now

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