Dancing Dogs

When I got up this morning, the boys had managed to get into the living room - they've learnt that if they push on the door from the kitchen it'll open. Anyway, they'd left little presents on the carpet so it wasn't a good start to the day, and they were put straight out into the garden!

They redeemed themselves though and had been good boys while we were at work, and tonight we had playtime in the garden and they were rewarded with treats, which as you can see they love and they start dancing for.

I had a girls night out planned so left Alan with the boys and I met Alison, Chrissy and Val at the beach for drinks before dinner at a French bistro in Kemp Town. It was a Groupon offer, and although we had a good night, I don't think we'll be going back there again.

Anyway, it's now Thursday morning, and I'd better get up and see what mischief the boys have got themselves into this time - have a good day!

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