I spoke to my friend, Kay, who is the baker at Urban Reef earlier in the week and said I was determined to get up to see the sunrise - she told me if I did, to call in and see her, as she started work at 5 a.m. anyway.

This morning - or rather, the middle of the night, I woke at 4 a.m. having set my alarm for 4.45 so decided that I might as well get up, I must admit I snoozed a little, but got up at 4.30 so was out on the beach by 5 a.m. I did think I might be the only one out, but a young lady and her partner and dog came along - she stopped and chatted and said that they had brought their breakfast down and had just sat on the steps a little way along the beach. She said it was the best time of the day to come to the beach, and I couldn't disagree with that.

Photos taken, I decided to walk along to Urban Reef and see if Kay was there. Of course, she was and told me that she had been there at 4.15 as she had a lot to do and anyway, it wasn't difficult getting up when the weather was so beautiful! We had a chat, while she carried on working, and she kindly got me a cup of tea - I don't normally drink tea, but I quite enjoyed it. When I left at about 6 a.m. she had just taken some bread sticks out of the oven, so I came away with a couple in a bag - and very nice they were too - I must admit, I enjoyed one as I walked back up to the apartment.

What a great start to the day - enjoy your day, fellow blippers, I think mine is going to be a long one!

“A Sunrise is God's way of saying,
"Let's start again.”
Todd Stocker
Refined: Turning Pain Into Purpose

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