Growing old disgracefully



I imagine all households have one - a drawer where everything that does not have an obvious home lands, multiplies and sinks without trace. Being not one of nature's couch potatoes and frustrated by the rain, I turned out our top drawer. The contents were :

2 balls of string
3 rolls of Sellotape
15 bendy straws that had become very bendy indeed
Easter decorations that I bought 10 years ago and have never hung up
A child's wind up torch
A roll of gaffer tape
Sticky things that had stuck to everything else
10 '2 year old today!' balloons
A piece of driftwood from a Skye beach
A dozen dried up pens
Several posh clothes pegs
A box of latex examination gloves (don't ask)
A mysterious scribbled note that said, 'on no account forget to take this...'

Just had it all sorted when the rain stopped and I got out for a nice evening tramp with my son and heir.

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