Swainson's spurfowl (Pternistis swainsonii)

I discovered this spurfowl/francolin today, for the very first time, on our property, a few blocks from the house.

I heard a harsh, ugly, screeching call from the very big tree close to the fence at the back border of our estate. The fields are só beautiful now, you cannot see me when I walk there, the grass is higher than my head, I couldn't really see where the sound came from, but I walked there as fast and silent as I could!! As soon as I came around the corner and I could see the huge old thorn tree, I saw it sitting on a branch, high up in the tree, but fortunately in a spot where the leaves and branches formed an opening!

I took lots of shots from fár, just in case it may fly off before I come too close, but strange enough, it just sat there and I was lucky enough to get só close, I almost stood under the tree, looking up to snap the last three shots, when it flew off! What a sight for sore eyes when it flies!! Big fat body with quite short wings, doesn't really fly well, I think it is not really a flyer, and according to references, it breeds on the ground, so finding him so high up in a tree is maybe a bit unusual!

Please DO look at the link and read about it, very interesting to listen to the 'Call' as well, just click on 'Call' in the article!!

Hope you all had a magnificent weekend!! It was só great to chat and look at the Bliptogether do last night!! Wow!! Thanks once more Joe and all the rest who worked só hard!! Great stuff!

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