Milo and Chino at Bedtime

Roundabout eight every night, the two babies are taken upstairs to play ball with C&R snr in their bedroom. They love playing on the carpet, downstairs are no carpets! They do the cutest tricks already! Each one has her own way of doing things, you can see the different personalities when they are playing so intensely!

After 'ball period' they are taken down to sleep in their bed in the laundry room, there is a trapdoor in the backdoor for them to go outside to do their toilet thingy!! ;-)

But before they go to bed, they get their 40gr of skinless and boneless chicken breast each! It is their treat for being só clever!! Otherwise they eat their Royal Canin Dog pellets during the day! The Vet says not to feed them anything else, but when we insisted we want to give them a treat at bedtime, she suggested the chicken, cooked in only water and a pinch of salt!

Here they are standing up, waiting in anticipation for their treat! Lovely little critters!

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