
By CharlotteJ

Mini Safari

Please excuse the very poor quality of this blip.

As I came around the corner before our village I couldn’t believe my eyes a red kite having his dinner in the middle of the road! I just had to stop. So putting on my hazard lights and praying no one flew around the slightly blind bend I was sitting on (dangerous I know) I managed to get a few quick snaps through my windscreen…I had all of 1 minute before a car coming the other way, and driving far too fast for a country lane, disturbed the bird. Fantastic sight, I had to share this with you as I adore these birds.

Happy Monday

For UK folks, if the weatherman is to be believed, please can everyone refrain from putting up sun brollies, using the BBQ or setting out the sun loungers, it will rain if you do!! lol!!

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