
By CharlotteJ

Its that time of year…..

…..when Strawberries are at their best!
A thoroughly relaxing day we are having. It started out by completing a great 3.5mile run and our fastest first mile together, Chris is doing really well for a newish runner and we are building up the pace in a sensible way. We then spent a little time in the garden sorting out a rather over grown bush before the rain came. We then we headed off after showers to do the foodie shop. Normally I do this on my own, for no reason other than I can fit it in easier but as I had a hectic week and couldn’t fit it in we went today together. Very handy having a helper to push the heavy trolley! Once home and all the food shopping put away we decided on an early Sunday Roast followed by yummy strawberries. Chris now has to hit his work emails but we are going to put a movie on and continue with relaxing before a busy week arrives.

Happy Sunday


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