Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Leaving it up to you.

Firstly, sorry for the iPhone update, my laptop has gone to the hospital for a while and I feel weird not blipping, so next best thing.

I feel like I've written about this before but just incase. Here goes.

Everyone has one book that's changed their life. Or a film perhaps or even a song. That has some how changed a part of their lives, maybe a certain event or how they think.

I had this moment a few years ago when I read Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli.

Basically the book is from the perspective of a teenage boy called Leo. Who is just your average boy who lives in America in a pretty average high school, just doing high school things.

When one day there's this new student called Stargirl. Now, she's like crazy different, she has a pet rat she carries around, she plays ukulele and to every lesson she has a table cloth and a daisy and she sets it up.

Stargirl is one of my favourites. It teaches you to be different, to stand out. To not live by what everyone thinks and be who you are.

So many people are who they are because people have told them what to do, how to feel, how to dress and how to look. Those people tend to live very average lives. Those are the people who are on their death bed wishing they'd done it different.

I read this when I was in middle school, about 12. At this point, like most, making friends was difficult and bullies were all around. I was so afraid to think or speak out line incase they didn't like me. But why? Even if they liked me, would I want them as I friend?!

The short answer is no. Of course not. No way josé.

After reading this I really started to care less about what people thought. I staying saying what I wanted and being friends with who I wanted. I wore as much makeup or as little, and wore only black for at least a year. And even on non uniform days I wore crocs. That's right, crocs. And I didn't care because they were comfy and me and Mandy matched because we were really cool.

I will continue to care less about what people think. Until forever, because if someone cares so much to care about what I'm doing then they got their own issues.

Do what you want. Love who you want, wear what you wanna wear, and be friends with whoever. I only have 3 really good friends and I still struggle buying presents.

Also, read Stargirl, it might change the way you think.

Happy Blipping

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