Piano (forte)
It's finally here, and as I type Mr B is tinkling the ivories in the next room. Slightly tunelessly until I get around to calling the piano tuner...
The movers arrived at 11ish in a h.u.g.e truck, somehow manoeuvred it to our gate and then began nine hours of shifting stuff. Luckily it was not too hot today.
Last time we moved the piano I posted a blip of something like eight guys lifting it. Today there were two, with Mr B here just providing additional support to stop it tipping. Four of us lifted it into position (though I'm not sure my contribution was very much felt!)
Now the work starts for us - with countless boxes to be unpacked before guests arrive on Sunday. Mr B, however, has more important work to attend to tomorrow as one of the stairs collapsed under the weight of blokes plus table football machine... I will be mostly unpacking books :)
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